Wednesday 13 May 2015

more JG 6 Doras- capitulation May 1945

above; another nice view of Fw 190 D-9 W.Nr. 601090 "Black 3" II./ JG 6, May 1945. Initially identified as 'Blue 1' but note the white Balkenkreuz just visible and a closer view of this area on 'Black 3' (via Crow)

Thanks to Tomas Prusa for the correct identification! 'Blue 1' appears on the end of this line-up as published in the first JaPo Dora volume. These machines feature the black outline cross

Above; cover shot for Volume 1 of the JaPo Focke Wulf 190 D Camouflage and Markings two/three part series. A few copies of this ground-breaking and seminal work of reference are still available in specialist bookshops here in the UK. The photo shows the four II./ JG 6 Doras that surrendered at Erfurt late on the afternoon of 8 May 1945, 'Blue 1', 'Blue 2', 'Blue 4' and 'Blue 11'. All four machines featured blown canopies and the typical white spinner spiral and tactical markings including the long Gruppe bar of II./ JG 6. All four were constructed by Focke Wulf and were from the WNr 211XXX series..

via by David E Brown with permission Tomas, Jan and Ales at JaPo