A collection of over 50 Bf 109 Emils from expired Ebay auctions and other sources. This page is constantly updated. Most of the following have appeared somewhere or other before - including this blog - but are here presented together following occasional minor 'editing' and 're-touching' in one mega-post which will be of interest to modellers and others who might not have had the inclination to wade through the various forum/FB pages.
'Black 5' of JG 51
A selection of Battle of Britain period I./JG 52 images, some of which have featured in the Barbas I Gruppe history - 'white 1' features a yellow cowl and running boar emblem aft of the fuselage cross. 'White 4' below is seen having its oxygen supply refilled..
Bf 109 E-3 1.(J)/LG 2 "White 1" flown by the Stfkpt. Albrecht von Ankum-Frank
KIA on 2 August 1940 as Staffelkapitän 5./JG27 shot down by an RAF bomber near Jelsum (NL), close to Leeuwarden. At the time of his death Ankum-Frank had three confirmed victories.


Visit the links posted throughout for more on the individual machines or go to the bottom of the page for label links with much more like this.
Below; Me 109 E with SC 250 kg bomb belonging to 5./JG 51 seen on the Kanal front during the late summer of 1940
More JG 26 Battle of Britain Emils on this blog
Mölders III./JG 53 during the French campaign
Above JG 52 Emil and, below, Bonzo dog emblem on the cowl of this 1./JG 2 Emil followed by 'White 5' seen belly-landed during the French campaign. Note the 'old' style fuselage
Balkenkreuz. Likely to have been the mount of 1. Staffel ace Werner Machold - note the over-painted area- no doubt covering the previous pilots' victory markings- that can be seen on the tail fin.
More on JG 2 during the Westfeldzug on this blog
WNr. 5819 regular aircraft of Adolf Galland during late 1940 until around March 1941. Sixty victory markings on the rudder. More on this aircraft on this blog
Above and below; two views of 'Yellow 2' flown by JG 2 Battle of Britain ace and noted 'over-claimer' Helmut Wick. Wick went from the rank of
Leutnant to the post of
Kommodore in the space of just one summer based on little more than his ability to 'shoot down' RAF fighters. He was the embodiment of the
Jagdflieger obssession with the
Abschussliste - the system of points and then decorations awarded for a certain number of 'victories'- a flawed 'system' which pandered ultimately to no more than personal ambition and the need for status and recognition. Just forward of the Staffel number is Wick's 'humming bird' emblem. More on his aircraft, WNr. 5344 at this
Above; two views of an LG 2 Schlacht 109 - note the 'bear-wielding-axe' emblem of 5.(Schlacht)/LG 2 on the cowling plus the Schlacht triangle. The 'bear' is actually depicted on the emblem chopping up an umbrella a throw-back to LG 2's Jabo Battle of Britain campaign...
More Eastern Front Jabo Emils