Saturday 30 March 2019

Cyber-hobby/ Dragon Bf-109 E-3, Eduard Fw 190 A-3

This is the Cyber-hobby/ Dragon Bf-109E-3 by Rod Bettencourt. Rod riveted and stressed the skin on this project and used HGW seatbelts, a Yaha instrument panel along with some minor scratch building in the cockpit. Finish is with Model Master paints..

A couple of neat Eduard kit builds courtesy of Paul ('Rogue') on BM. These are Paul's first two builds after  a 33-year break in his modelling 'career' and his first airbrushed mottle finish.

"..For my second build I decided to continue the Luftwaffe theme with another aircraft I have never attempted before. This is the new Eduard kit in the markings of Karl Willius of 3./ JG 26, Saint-Omer, France during August 1942. By 1944 he was accredited with 50 kills and subsequently killed in combat. It is OOB and finished with Vallejo Air Acrylics, Flory Grime Wash, AK pigments and Humbrol Clear Satin..."