Friday 7 June 2024

Stenographic record extract of the meeting with the Reichsmarschall on Whit Monday, 29 May 1944, subject Me 262

 Stenographic transcript excerpt of the review discussion with Reichsmarschall Göring that took place on Whit Monday, 29 May 1944 at the Obersalzberg. Subject of the discussion; the Me 262.

RM Göring; "..Ich habe die Herren trotz der Feiertage hierherbitten müssen, da in der Frage der Me 262 die letzten Klarheiten geschaffen werden müssen. Der Führer hat mit mir noch einmal die Lage durchgesprochen, die sich dadurch ergeben hat, das Sie (Petersen) die Äußerung gemacht haben, dass das Flugzeug sei nicht geeignet, Bomben mitzunehmen. Ich habe dem Führer gesagt, dass Sie es nicht so gemeint hätten.."

"I have asked you gentlemen to come here today, despite the public holiday, as the final clarifications on the issue of the Me 262 must be made. The Führer has discussed with me once again the situation that has arisen because you (Petersen - Kommandeur E-Stelle Rechlin) stated that the aircraft was not suitable for carrying bombs. I told the Führer that you would not have meant it like that..."

Petersen;  " was Field Marshall Milch who said that, not me! On the contrary, I pointed out that you could use balancing counterweights...."

RM Göring: "..No, that was not the case - one thing I know for sure, the Führer was the first to mention compensation weights. He immediately asked how heavy the onboard armament is and what happens when it is removed. It was the Führer who came up with the idea of making this possible by leaving out unnecessary weight. And as far as I recall - I'll have to check through the minutes once again - it was you who started saying that the aircraft could not carry bombs..."

Petersen:  " no, that's not the case. It was the Field Marshall who said that, for the time being, the Me 262 is not hauling bombs - 'es kommt ohne Bombe'. That was a mistake. I discussed it with him in the car after the meeting and he said that he had got the wrong end of the stick..."

RM Göring: "..the Führer was right to be very upset about it and said that everything he had ordered done had not been followed.."

Messerschmitt:  "..  and yet all his instructions have been complied with.."


RM Göring:  " was precisely to avoid misunderstandings like this that I ordered, firstly,  that the aircraft not be described as a 'Jabo' but as a 'Schnellstbomber' *** and, secondly, that the General der Kampfflieger take charge. ..[..] of the test machines which have been fitted with armament, some of which will be developed and trialed further as fighters in accordance with the wishes of the Führer.

Bodenschatz: " ..and he has further emphasised that the testing of the fighter should continue.."

RM Göring: ".. and only the testing!  In order to avoid any mistakes and confusion for you, I have nevertheless 'deactivated' the fighter side and only 'switched on' the General der Kampfflieger, so that it cannot happen that today the General der Kampfflieger comes to you (Petersen) for testing and five days later the General der Jagdflieger does likewise. Of course this may happen but you should be clear on one thing - the General der Jagdflieger may only pursue testing for development and finalisation of the fighter with the test machines that he now has, while the main series, part of which is also coming to your trials, should be purely for the fast bomber."

***  translated by Dan Sharp in his 'Me 262 -development & politics' as 'super-speed bomber'.