Thursday 20 June 2024

JG 54 Friedrich -archive photo scan #24


From the same sequence as the well-known Mütherich and Pöhs Ritterkreuz presentation series. Generaloberst Keller of Luftflotte 1 who made the presentation in August 1941 is seen (left) in conversation with Maj. Trautloft. The II./JG 54 Friedrich in the background  -  possibly 'black 1'- was apparently not the aircraft flown by the Staffelkapitän of 5./JG 54, since Mütherich reportedly flew 'black 10' and was pictured leaning on the horizontal stabiliser of that machine when awarded his RK. According to one author 'black 1' was being flown by Richard Hausmann, StaKa of 8./JG 54. Mütherich was shot down and killed on 9 September 1941. Click on the image for  a 'wide-screen' view.