Tuesday 18 June 2024

Dora-9 im Einsatz - Fw 190 D-9 in service with III./JG 54 -ebay photo find #375


The dispersal of the Peter Petrick archive continues apace via Oliver Rogge's ebay auction pages (Kurmark Antik). While published in many books that feature the D-9 (since Lorant's 'Focke Wulf Fw 190' first appeared in the early 1980s) this selection features one or two 'new' images. Two of my purchases from Oliver's offers have just arrived and they are pretty decent quality - in fact I'm told they are prints from Ungar's original negatives.

The Fw 190 D-9 entered service with III. Gruppe of JG 54 'Grünherz' during October 1944 at Achmer (12. Staffel) and Hesepe (9. Staffel), where they were deployed to cover Me 262 Kommando Nowotny 'Turbos'. While the first Doras in service undoubtedly piqued the interest of their pilots, according to Fw. Fritz Ungar of 9./ JG 54,  the sole reason for this picture series was to record the Staffel fox terrier mascot 'Struppi' for posterity. There is unfortunately no complete view of either "White 2" or "White 3". "White 2" was WNr. 210015 which was lost over Hesepe on 15 October 1944 after being shot down by 83FS T'bolts. Lt. Fritz Bartak  was wounded but managed to bail out.

Below; another view of 'Struppi', this time in the cockpit of  9./JG 54's 'white 3' with Fritz Ungar. "White 3" was the eighth series production machine (Wnr. 210008). Note the reinforcing strip required by the installation of the Jumo 213 to the 190 fuselage.

'Struppi'  enjoying the attention of the mechanics of 9./JG 54 perched on the horizontal stabiliser of  "White 3". Note the jack/support under the rear fuselage keeping the tail wheel just off the ground.  The aircraft finish again appears highly polished. Note that 'white 2' and 'white 3' have different style fuselage Balkenkreuze..