Wednesday 27 March 2024

Bf 109 Emil 'green 13' - archive photo scan #18


..An 'unknown' Emil - possibly 'green 13' - being prepared for a 'commemoration/celebration' of some sort or simply being camouflaged ?   Any suggestions, please comment on the images to view large.

and a comprehensive caption from a blog reader;

"...the two images you show as “ green 13 “ are from the BA and are registered as no 342-628-36 pp. They show a/c of 3.(J)/LG 2 taken at Calais-Marck in the first half of August 1940. The mechanics are covering the a/c pen with camouflage nets, so no celebration. The colour of the numeral is brown for 3rd Staffel. If you take a close look you can see part of the Micky Mouse Staffel badge on the rear fuselage. Not visible in your photo are the early yellow theatre markings which I.(J)/LG 2 introduced very early; the rear part of the rudder and the tips of the horizontal stabilizers are yellow as are presumably the wing tips, which are covered by tarpaulins..." Jochen Prien


  1. Could it be Oesau's? And it appears the rudder has been removed.

  2. Hop plant is used as camouflage the plant is fully grown late June/early July as the lack of the head armour confirms
    René Wouters

  3. The camouflage here consists of hop plants that are fully grown by mid-July.

  4. The photograph is published in the book "Mit der Kamera an der Front" by Axel Urbanke on page 45. Number 13 is probably pale grey, as shown by other colour photos in the book.


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