Above; close-up of the personal emblem -a word play on the pilot's name - on "Yellow 5" flown by Lt.Erwin Axthelm of 3./ JG 27. Axthelm returned one of the first victories of the Westfeldzug shooting down a Belgian Gladiator on 10 May 1940.
10.05.40 Ltn. Erwin Axthelm: 1 3./JG 27 Gladiator £ S.E. Tirlemont: 3.000 m. 09.55 OKL+JFV d.Dt.Lw. 3 – 2

on offer here
This Bf 110 of the Stab I./ ZG 26 featured a chevron bar on the nose alongside the Ringelpilz emblem
" 3U+ GS " flown by Feldwebel Walter Scherer, the Experte of III./ZG 26 with seven claims during 1940. According to the seller the photo dates from 25 September 1940 in France. This was the date Scherer's war ended over England during the Bristol Filton raid. He became a POW, his Bf was Gefr. Heinz Schumacher (who was killed) Some sources credit him with ten which is incorrect. (..thank you Evgeny..)
25.01.40 Fw. Walter Scherer: 1 2./JGr. 102 Blenheim S. Duisburg 15.20 OKL+JFV d.Dt.Lw.
27.05.40 Uffz. Walter Scherer 8./ZG 26 Hurricane - 16.10 OKL C. 2031/I Anerk: Nr. -
14.06.40 Uffz. Walter Scherer 8./ZG 26 Spitfire - 17.12 OKL C. 2031/I Anerk: Nr. -
10.07.40 Uffz. Walter Scherer 8./ZG 26 Hurricane - 15.15 OKL C. 2031/I Anerk: Nr. -
29.07.40 Uffz. Walter Scherer 8./ZG 26 Hurricane - 18.25 OKL C. 2031/I Anerk: Nr. -
18.08.40 Uffz. Walter Scherer 8./ZG 26 Spitfire - 14.25 OKL C. 2031/I Anerk: Nr. -
03.09.40 Gefr. Heinz Schumacher 8./ZG 26 Spitfire - 11.27 OKL C. 2031/I Anerk: Nr.
03.09.40 Uffz. Walter Scherer 8./ZG 26 Spitfire - 11.30 OKL C. 2031/I Anerk: Nr. -
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Also on this blog;
Bf 110 aces of ZG 26
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