A new book from Tim Heath is due soon from Pen & Sword. Tim has worked with the German War Graves Commission and has written a dozen books on German history 1933-45. I was impressed by his 'history' of the Luftwaffe as told by the bomber and fighter crews in his book entitled "In furious skies" - a recommended read for anyone visiting this blog. His new book further develops the subject of aircraft armament . Visit his author's page at Pen and Sword here
"..hi Neil, I now have the front and rear cover design for my next book German Aircraft Weaponry-Machine Guns, Cannon and Aerial Artillery in Luftwaffe Service 1939-1945. Pen and Sword have done yet another fine job and I can't wait to see this one released. It was such a great project to work on and one I had wanted to do for so many years and have finally done. Thanks to the Pen and Sword Books Ltd team as these books require a team effort to produce and big thanks to Jon Wilkinson the graphics genius for bringing life to the books with his amazing graphics work. This new book is purely focused on the machine guns and cannons plus larger calibre guns including those which only got as far as proposal stage plus experimental weapons. This book also shows in the photos what these weapons could do to a human body. If you liked the brief coverage in 'In Furious Skies' you will love this one. Thanks so much for your kind words.."