..I've slightly gone off the 'idea' of posting ECPA-D images for a brief period, 24 hours, a series I call 'Instapic'.. Simply put while it brings in viewers, it doesn't stop people lifting the material and doing whatever with it. As I've pointed out recently to Denys Boudard who encounters the same issues. Anytime he posts, within hours 'his' images appear on other sites - notably a certain forum - to view. Seems that the 'owner'- ever ready to accuse others of 'lifting' material - is quite happy to see his 'members' reposting material they have helped themselves to elsewhere!

So this may be my final 'Instapic' post. As I've said before, if you want to see lots of lovely unpublished, beautifully clear Luftwaffe images (I mean, literally thousands, hundreds of thousands..) book a week at the ECPA-D in Paris. As I did. You get a great welcome and their staff are really helpful. The images that follow are not even in the 'Luftwaffe' files at the ECPA-D (DAK 294).
Rommel climbing into his machine. A good view of the Kraftstoffstandanzeiger (fuel level indicator) gauge in the lower wing. Two images (bottom) show a Stork's wing tank being topped off from a drum.