New from IBG Models - the Gotha Go 242 A-1 in 72nd scale.
The Luftwaffe blog attempts to build the kit over the course of this week right here! Alternatively, check out IBG's FB page here
Friday, 30 November 2012
Bf 109 Emil Friedrich JG 53 JG 51 JG 54
Selection of JG 53 images from ebay.de seller 'solo-fotos' including this nice Friedrich
Hans Philipp I./JG 54
Bf 109 Friedrichs of Philipp and Trautloft on this blog
Thursday, 29 November 2012
1./JG 52 in Borkum, summer 1941 RK-holder Karl Hammerl
Pilots of 1./JG 52 pictured during the summer of 1941 in Borkum. The pilots are seen outside of the mobile ops room, the so-called "Zirkuswagen". On the left taking a drink from the bottle is the later RK- holder Uffz Karl Hammerl who was awarded the RK on 19 September 1942 for some 67 victories. On 2 March 1943 he crash-landed behind enemy lines south-west of Kolomak and was subsequently listed as MIA.
Below; another view of the mobile ops room used by the Staffel. Staffelkapitän Oblt. Carl Lommel is 4th from the left in the row standing, while Hammerl is 3rd from the left in the front row.
Michael Meyer's current Ebay sales are here
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Fw 190 I./JG 54 Wesenberg
3 original photos offered for sale here although all three have 'yellowed' considerably. The hand written inscriptions read "Wesenberg april 44 in Kombination" "Wesenberg april 44. Auf mein FW 190 mit Seenotausrüstung", "Wesenberg april 1944. In meiner braven Focke-Wulf" - "..- April 1944 at Wesenberg in flight suit, on my trusty Fw 190 wearing my life jacket and safety gear.."
I./JG 54 operated from Wesenberg (Rakvere, Estonia) during the spring of 1944
Monday, 26 November 2012
Daily Ebay.de photo find - some search tips
You probably already know this, but why not set up your own daily Ebay.de list search - its a lot easier than you think..
When searching Ebay for Luftwaffe photos I tend to look first at certain 'preferred' sellers, eg Marco at koelsch333, Heiko Fuchs or Michael Meyer ( see tag links below... )
When searching Ebay for Luftwaffe photos I tend to look first at certain 'preferred' sellers, eg Marco at koelsch333, Heiko Fuchs or Michael Meyer ( see tag links below... )
But it is fairly straight forward to set up a daily e-mail schedule which will send lists of photo links and an over-view of your preferred search items direct to your in-box..
go to ebay.de and add your search words in the search box - you will need to use some very basic German words that you will probably already be familiar with eg 'Flugzeug' (aircraft), Jagdflieger (fighter pilot), 'Besatzung' (crew) 'Staffelabzeichen' (Staffel emblem),'Fliegerhorst' or 'Flugplatz' (airfield), or even the rather English-looking 'Pilot im Cockpit'. Obviously if you are looking for photos precede your search word with 'Foto' or 'Aufnahme' (photo) or 'Abzug' (print) or 'Bild' and 'Bilder' (picture/pictures) A simple 'Foto Cockpit' brings up 40 results today alone..
You will get a list of search results eg "135 Ergebnisse gefunden = results found.."
135 Ergebnisse gefunden für Foto Junkers Suche speichern
to the right of your search results you will see a clickable link "Suche speichern" = "save search"
click on "save search" to bring up a box ; the text translates " send daily email when new items are offered corresponding to your search criteria ". Ensure the check box is ticked -
hey presto, you will henceforth receive a daily email of your stored searches. Fill in as many searches as required eg " Foto Staffel Wappen " " Foto Luftwaffe Flugzeug " " Foto Fw 190....etc
Other useful search words are 'Top' ( which basically means excellent or 'ausgezeichnet') and words such as 'selten' (rare) or 'Archiv' or 'Original' etc etc. Add some basic abbreviations such as JG or NJG if night fighters are of interest for example....
Selection of Stukas and other Eastern Front machines found today and currently on offer at Ebay.de
Sturmovik known to the Germans as the Zementbomber
Ju 87 D-3 of StG 77 over Kharkov's 'Roter Platz' (Red Square)
Ju 87 D 3./SG 77 mit 300 Liter Zusatztanks Rosenborn 1944
Friedrich of 9./JG 54, 1941
Wrecked Caudron Cr. 714 near Dreux, France, 1940
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Junkers Ju 87 Bertha and Dora of I./StG 77
Ju 87 B of I./StG 77 in formation (Verbandsflug) over Kertsch during May 1942
3./StG 77 Ju 87 B seen in June 1941 in Biala-Podlaska. Staffelkapitän Oblt. Hans or Heinz Neumann in the cockpit. Note the Staffelwappen
Ju 87 D "S2+AL" of 3./StG 77 flown by Staffelkapitän Hptm. Kurt Scheffel with his BF Fw Heinz Sellhorn, probably in Sarabus 1942
Ju 87 D "S2+BL" of 3./StG 77 flown by Knights Cross holder Fw Herbert Rabben. Photo taken from the aircraft of the Staffelkapitän Hptm. Kurt Scheffel.
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