" ..eine Ju 52 fliegt nicht alleine..." Possibly here en route to North Africa via Sicily "1Z+HV" according to the seller. Looks more like Russia. In his memoir (see below) Ju 52 pilot Horst Dinter relates that he flew resupply sorties to Rommel's DAK via Greece and Crete..and the Ju 52 has none of the yellow 'Balkans' scheme. Also is probably coded "1Z+HU".

The best view of the cockpit MG mount that I've been able to locate. An image from Dinter's book. About 18 months ago I was asked for a view of this part by the 'researcher' from a well-known local model kit company. To the disappointment of the guys in our model club, said researcher (hi Luke!) has subsequently left the company. His replacement has yet to put in an appearance. (not that I particularly want him to...)