Monday 22 July 2024

Arado Ar 196 in the harbour at Kos -archive photo scan #26


Arado Ar 196 in the harbour at Kos town, on the Aegean island of Kos. The Neratzia castle ramparts are visible in the background. The Bundesarchiv image is dated October 1943, shortly after the island was 'captured' following the Italian change-of-sides.  Bottom, a modern image by way of comparison.

A reminder that BATAILLES AÉRIENNES N°100 covering the air battles over and around Kos and Leros entitled " La dernière victoire de la Luftwaffe en Méditerranée - Les combats du Dodécanèse (Sept-Nov. 1943)" by Shores and Roba is still available from the Lela Presse website here