Wednesday 6 September 2023

Hasegawa Bf 109 G "White 2" (WNr. 412605) of IV./JG54 - Eastern Front, winter 1943-44


The latest model from Duncan Black as seen on britmodeller is well worth 'reposting' here with Duncan's permission.

" This is my first completion in over 18 months!! It originally started as a quick build to try out the hairspray technique for making a winter distemper finish. Hasegawa kit but I used some spare parts from an Eduard kit for the propellor, spinner, wheels and some cockpit parts which help add some extra detail. Painted with Mr Hobby acrylics to depict W Nr. 412605 'White 2' of IV./JG54 some time in winter 1943/44 on the Eastern Front..."


What an amazing finish. It totally captures the look of a heavily worn winter whitewash. Great job Duncan!

Duncan's build just happened to coincide with the publication of a photo-series of the same machine in the latest volume from the Prien team (JfV Teil 15/II - Einsatz im Osten). See also Vol II of Philip Saintes superb history of JG 54 published by Lela Presse; the images below show 'white 2' being prepared for a sortie (freie Jagd or Begleitschutz für Schlachtflieger) and getting airborne from a base on the northern sector of the Eastern Front, west of Leningrad (possibly Idritsa or Dno).  

At the turn of the year 1943-44 IV. Gruppe comprised a Stab flight and two Staffeln, 10. Staffel and 11. Staffel. Gkr. was Hptm Rudolf Sinner and the Staffelkapitän and ace of 10 Staffel was Oblt. Robert Weiss while 11. Staffel was led by Oblt. Erwin Leykauf. While serviceability and readiness levels were low during January 1944 with some sorties flown being broken off because of poor weather, Weiss ('white 10') filed four claims on 15 January, a further four on 17 January and four more on 25 January to reach 94 victories. Other 10. Staffel pilots of note included Obfw. Karl Brill (29th on 24 January) and Obfw. Kurt Olsen (42nd on 6 February). A matter of months later the unit would be transferred back to Germany and a third Staffel added to the Gruppe.