".. Bf 109 G-14/AS of JG 300, photo from Borkheide, found on your blog, proved irresistible to me, so I just had to make an illustration..Anyhow, here is the finished result. As parts of the aircraft are hidden by bushes for camouflage purposes, I have exercised a minimum of artistic license...."
A line-up of JG 300
Bf 109 G-14/AS fighters including W.Nr. 16. ... "Rote 15" of 2. Staffel seen at Borkheide during October 1944....
" ..Following my urge to doodle, I have made an illustration of one of the aircraft serving with 10/JG 76, late August 1944 at Athis-Mons, later a wreck to be found at the same location. It's a standard Erla-built G-14, flown by an unknown pilot..."
" ..Have just finished my interpretation of Ofw Paul Schwerdfegers Bf 109 G-14/AS, WNr 784986 when he was KIA in operation “Bodenplatte” on January 1, 1945. Information on the aircraft itself is scarce, I have only been able to find a photo of the wreck, that doesn’t show much more than a piece of the triple band, carried by JG 6. Although, there is known the WNr, and from that, can be gathered how it probably looked..."

".. it's time again to show what I have been up to lately, this time it's a Bf 109 G-6/AS as seen in a photo of a line-up of 5 Staffel JG 27 machines shown on Marc Haldimann's Late-war Bf 109 FB page. Admittedly, there are parts of the aircraft which are not shown, so, a modicum of artistic license has been used. Among the things that ARE clearly seen, is the "reverse" spiral on the spinner. I DID however resist the temptation to add the Staffel emblem, as at this late stage in the conflict, they were rare. As for camouflage of the Bf 109 G-6/AS it's an understatement to say that they were not standardized...."