Friday 9 November 2018

Exito Decals - "Gustavs over the Balkans" and "Wulf Pack"

Ever heard of Exito Decals?

No, me neither. It appears that Exito Decals is the new 'baby' of profile illustrator Dariusz Światłoń who has taken over from Thierry Dekker as the artist entrusted with illustrating the next volume in Erik Mombeeck's 'Luftwaffe Gallery' series which is due soon ( as usual English language text by this blog writer )

Exito have just launched a superb new line of Luftwaffe fighter decals. Taking subjects seen in previous " Luftwaffe Gallery Special " unit volumes from Erik Mombeeck each sheet features three mostly new and occasionally unusual machines with high-class profile illustrations featured on an A-4 sized 'fact-sheet' for collectors. A step up from the market standard.

Decals are printed by Cartograf.

Thanks for the heads-up to Adam at the 72nd scale blog here

Exito decals are here

For news on the latest forthcoming 'Luftwaffe Gallery' go to Erik's site