From the amount of google searches arriving here for this kit I thought I'd post a few quick comments. Mine arrived this morning and after a quick gander at the sprues I can report - it's a far cry from Airfix's previous Me 110 ! A lot of kit in a crowded red box and great VFM at £7.99. There is reasonable interior detail including cannon ammo drums, a separate under fuselage bomb rack, two types of bomb, two types of drop tank. Radiator inserts fit to the wings then the separate radiator covers go over these as in the recent 48th scale Emil. The nose MGs and exhausts have been designed to assemble in alignment. The undercarriage is also impressive with wheel well detail and lots of separate parts and can be inserted at the correct forward-slanting angle to achieve an accurate 'stance' not possible on any other 72nd scale Bf110 kit.

The engraved detail is a bit on the deep side, especially the fuselage frames, but will probably look better under a few coats of paint. Once again extra attention is needed in removing parts from the sprues.
One piece canopy - no open options. Decals for a ZG 76 Haifischmaul (sharkmouth) and an Eastern Front SKG 210 Wespe are colourful but very matt. Colour scheme instructions are printed in monochrome rather than colour.

Interesting to compare it to the Fujimi offering. Wing shape etc much the same but the Fujimi fuselage is very slim! Fin/rudder is also a different shape - the Airfix looking more accurate when compared with photos.
The Fujimi kit has the lower fuselage 'towel-rail' antenna integrally moulded - no sign of it in the Airfix kit but an easy 'fix'..

A look at the Airfix cockpit and canopy - which appear to be the weak spots in this otherwise great new kit. The Airfix canopy is a thick one piece affair (on the right right below), so probably not much point in detailing that cavernous cockpit - Fujimi multi-part canopy alongside for comparison. As usual click on the images for a closer look..

More comment and images and the build on my modelling blog . My finished build (using Kagero decals) below and 'M8+EP' from the kit OOB by Rowan Gough

Some Bf110 cockpit reference from Bundesarchiv/Wikicommons. (free for use on web-sites). ZG 26 Bf 110 C/D being refuelled.

ZG 26 machine under-going maintenance in a Belgian hangar, late May 1940

Stipdonk/Meyer Zerstörer photo book series